Nicole Pulliam is a renowned scholar, researcher, and social justice champion located in New Jersey. She is a tenured professor at Monmouth University, board member, philanthropist, Latina CEO, and BIPOC-identified Certified Professional Executive Coach trained in Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion.
Pulliam’s values, mission, and principles were cultivated and inspired by her identity and experiences as a woman of color and first-generation college graduate. Born and raised in Passaic, New Jersey, Pulliam earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Ramapo College of New Jersey. She then pursued graduate education, earning her Master of Arts in Counseling and Ph.D. in Counselor Education from Montclair State University. Pulliam is a proud Educational Opportunity Fund Program (EOF) alumna, a New Jersey program that provides financial assistance and support services to students from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Pulliam has since gained over 20 years as a higher education practitioner and anti-racist Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEI&B) practitioner and strategist. Pulliam is an Associate Professor at Monmouth University, teaching courses on educational counseling and leadership, social justice, diversity, and human growth & development. In her academic career, Pulliam’s scholarly and research focus has been on the impacts of imposter syndrome on the mental health of historically underrepresented, BIPOC college students; assessment of college and career readiness programs for low-income students; academically underprepared student populations; and the experiences of graduate students of color.
In addition to her research and teaching courses at Monmouth University, Pulliam is also the director of the Social Justice Academy, has counseled within the EOF programs in New York and New Jersey, provided career counseling and development, and advising in a variety of student affairs roles including career development, fraternity and sorority life, student activities, residential life, and financial aid. She is the chair of the NJACE Women’s Network board, and former chair of the Monmouth University School of Education’s Social Justice Advocacy Committee, serves on the President’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion and the Black and African Diaspora Forum United (BADFU), was Department Chair and Graduate Program Director from 2016 to 2019.
Outside of her academic activities, Pulliam is a sought-after speaker, trainer, facilitator, and strategist on the topics of leadership and DEI&B. She founded Real & Worthy, LLC, an executive coaching, training, and consulting firm designed to uplift women of color, especially those who are first-generation leaders, and the organizations committed to serving them. Pulliam, a woman of color and first-generation trailblazer, was inspired by the unique needs and lived experiences of the countless women of color and first-generation trailblazers she has worked with in her career. She created Real & Worthy to fill the gap in uniquely curated services designed to support women from a strengths-based approach, in a way that honors their holistic selves. Holding the belief that all women innately possess the power and internal resources to reach their highest potential, Pulliam has made it her mission with Real & Worthy to disrupt and dismantle the stifling imposter syndrome narrative, one woman at a time. Most recently, Pulliam created the Dr. Nicole Pulliam Female Trailblazer EOF Scholarship to support first-generation female EOF students at her undergraduate alma mater, Ramapo College of NJ.
“I firmly believe that all women innately possess the power and internal resources needed to reach their highest potential and that all women are worthy of unconditional joy, love, peace, and praise.” - Dr. Nicole Pulliam
“Who I am and what I do are deeply aligned with how I serve and who I am called to serve.” - Dr. Nicole Pulliam
“My passion for leadership development, especially for those from BIPOC and first-generation communities, along with my DEI&B work in schools, corporations, and non-profit organizations guides my daily practice.” - Dr. Nicole Pulliam
“In no uncertain terms, Dr. Pulliam is a dynamic force in our field.” - Elizabeth Gallus, Associate Dean of Students, The College of New Jersey
“Trailblazer and Change Agent are a few of the words I would use to describe Dr. Nicole Pulliam. From the Projects to the PhD, this scholar rose from very humble beginnings to become a renowned scholar, researcher, and social justice champion. Her tremendous impact on the landscape of higher education will continue, and I am happy to have partnered with her to witness her brilliance and dedication firsthand.” - Dr. Daniel Jean, Assistant Provost, Montclair State University
Social Media
Instagram: @realandworthyllc
Instagram: @nicolepulliamphd
Twitter: @NPulliam_PhD
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolepulliamphd
Website: https://www.realandworthyllc.com/
Dr. Nicole Pulliam’s Story:
Tri-State Consortium Interview:
Female Founders Podcast Interview:
Social with a Side of Justice Podcast: