Avanza Latino Podcast: Interview with U.S Army Veteran Alexander Nicholas Paz
June 4, 2020 A warning to listeners- this podcast contains graphic sounds of warfare and references to drug use. We interviewed U.S Army Veteran Alexander Nicholas Paz, who served with the 101st Airborne 1st Brigade Combat Team. He tells the story of his upbringing in New Mexico and his journey with the United States Military and beyond.

A message from Executive Director, Ken Barela on racial injustice
June 3, 2020On behalf of Avanza Latino, I want the African American and Afro-Latino communities to know that we stand with you in solidarity.

Avanza Latino Podcast: Interview with Mentor, Podcast Host and Podcast Producer, Hendel Leiva
April 27, 2020 Hendel Leiva is currently in the thick of the coronavirus – he lives in New York. He has family in Ecuador and in New York. In this episode, he talks about how he has worked to endure the stress and work towards the future during this pandemic.

Thank you Healthcare Heroes!
April 17, 2020Thank you Healthcare Heroes! A message from our Executive Director, Ken Barela.

PART 2- A message on COVID-19 from Seattle, Washington with Carter Rodriquez.
March 26, 2020Our work at Avanza Latino does not stop. Please take the time to educate yourself and help to keep everyone around you safe and healthy. We bring you a message on COVID-19 from Seattle, Washington with Carter Rodriquez. Listen for an update on state totals and best practices! STAY HOME & STAY HEALTHY!

A message on COVID-19 from Seattle, Washington with Carter Rodriquez.
March 19, 2020Our work at Avanza Latino does not stop. Please take the time to educate yourself and help to keep everyone around you safe and healthy. We bring you a message on COVID-19 from Seattle, Washington with Carter Rodriquez.

Avanza Latino Podcast: Interview with Roberto Garcia
March 10, 2020“You can’t save everyone out in the open ocean but you’ll save some,” says Inspiring Latino Roberto Garcia. Roberto is an attorney practicing in California dedicated to empowering underrepresented communities. The son of working-class immigrants, he is a first-generation graduate of UC Santa Barbara and the People’s College of Law (PCL). He now practices traditional … Read More

Avanza Latino: Interview with Diana Tellefon Torres
February 13, 2020Diana Tellefson Torres is the executive director for the United Farm Workers Foundation. Under her leadership, the UFWF has provided resources and services to tens of thousands of farm workers, in addition to advocacy and civic engagement opportunities. Most recently, the UFWF has successfully worked to craft a bipartisan bill, called the Farm Workforce Modernization … Read More

Avanza Latino Podcast: Interview with Corpus Christi Catholic School Principal and Teachers
December 9, 2019This episode highlights the cutting-edge language teaching in Corpus Christi Catholic School. This school works to engage Spanish-speaking students in their native language while increasing their proficiency in the English language at the same time.

Avanza Latino: Chandra Brooks Women’s Rights Advocate “Speak Like a Boss” Video 2
December 3, 2019Chandra Brooks is a Women’s Rights Advocate and former Vice Chair of The Santa Clara County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls and the Co-Director for Women’s March San Jose. Through her video series, “Speak like a Boss” she explains strategies and techniques to becoming a professional public speaker.